Hope (The Descendant Trilogy Book 2) Read online

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  The smile that lit up his face was astonishing, and it literally took my breath away. “Come then, let us bid farewell to our loved ones.”

  Chapter 4


  We walked around to each person, hugged and kissed them each and created overly emotional scenes for all to witness. But no one seemed to mind. I said goodbye to all my friends from the Compound, and said goodbye to Lizzy and the dancers, saving Sharon for last.

  “Thank you so much for this!” I told her, my eyes already watering. “You made this day perfect for me. It was everything I could have ever wished for and more!” and then I pulled her into a tight hug.

  She squeezed me back and said, “Thank you for letting me! I’m so glad it was what you wanted.”

  I walked on to the next person, it was Rick. He hugged me and kissed my cheek as he said, “I’m so happy for you. You have fun, and don’t worry at all about Samantha.” It was a command. “Sharon and I will take good care of her. She will be completely safe.”

  “I know, Rick.” I said as I nodded to him. I knew he would do everything to keep them safe. I kissed his cheek and said, “Thank you for everything!”

  Then I went to my mother, who was holding Samantha in her arms. Sam wasn’t tearing up like everyone else was. She was excited! She loved David and was happy he was going to be in our lives permanently now. And she was more than excited to be spending this time with Sharon. She spoiled her too much for her own good.

  My mother, on the other hand, was full of tears. She smiled her biggest smile at me. This was a bittersweet moment for us. Because, though we were both so very happy that I was married to the most wonderful man of all time, we were also both sad to be saying goodbye. Neither of us knew how long it would be until the next time we could see each other again.

  I hugged her tightly, as David hugged Sam.

  “I don’t tell you enough how proud I am of you.” She told me and I had to try to hold the tears back. Unfortunately my attempts at composure weren’t working very well. “You are the best part of my life. You gave me a reason to live. You held me together when your father passed. You always held me together. You are my best friend, and I miss you every day. You are everything I could have ever dreamed to have in a daughter!” Now the tears were streaming down pretty steadily. “I love you more than anything in the world, Allison! I’ll miss you again, but I know we will see each other as soon as we can.”

  I nodded, “I already miss you too, Mom!”

  She smoothed the strands of my hair back that had fallen into my face, and said, “I love you, Allison! Have a wonderful honeymoon.” I nodded again, hugging her tightly before letting her go.

  Samantha crawled up into my arms, wrapped her legs around my waist, and her arms around my neck. I held her tightly, and started unconsciously swaying back and forth. She whispered into my ear, “I’m gonna miss you, Mom.”

  “I already miss you, Sammy!” I whispered back.

  David walked up beside me and placed his hand on the lowest part of my back, he kissed Samantha’s cheek, as her other cheek rested on my chest. For just a minute he wrapped his long, strong arms around the two of us. This was my family, this wonderful man, and perfect child. They were mine.

  Then he patted my back, so gently I could barely feel it. I knew it was his polite signal to set her down so we could go, so I gently set her back on her feet. I held her perfect face in my hands and kissed her nose and then both cheeks.

  David held my hand and then turned me to face all our loved ones. We looked back, over each face, and I smiled. My eyes were now watering, not because I was sad in any way, but because I was happier than I had ever been in my entire life. We waved goodbye, and together we walked out of the reception hall and to the long white limo that was awaiting us.

  The driver held the door open for us and I crawled in, trying to gather my train up behind me. I noticed David was holding onto it and helped me to gather everything into the car. We drove in silence. My entire body was relaxing the further we drove. I let my head rest against the back of the seat and tried to fully understand the impact of everything that had just happened.

  I turned to look at David, and noticed he had been looking at me already. He smiled and opened his arms as an invitation, one I was more than willing to take him up on. I crawled over to him, ignoring my dress and train now, and cuddled into his arms. He kissed the top of my head and stroked his finger up and down my arm. I inhaled his scent, and life felt perfect.

  “I’m surprised you haven’t even asked where we are going.” He said to me with a smile on his lips. I look up at him, just pulling my head slightly away from his chest, but keeping the rest of my body leaning against him.

  “Where are we going?” I asked. For some reason, I hadn’t even thought about it again. The only thing I could manage to think about was that I wouldn’t see my family for a little while, I wouldn’t see my mother for a long while, and most importantly that I am married now, to the most amazing man ever.

  He smiled down at me and kissed my cheek, just a soft caress, nothing that would ignite the fire that was slowly burning in me.

  “Right now we are going to the airport. We will board a plane that will take us to Miami, Florida.” He paused, gauging my reaction. I was enthralled, they had been keeping where we would go secret, but I’m pretty sure that everyone else already knew. Florida sounded cool, but I wasn’t all about the partying and half naked ladies everywhere, which is the image that comes up in my head when I think of Miami. But then he continued.

  “And then we will get on a different airplane that will take us to Tanzania, which is a country in Africa.” He saw my eyes light up.

  “Africa?” I asked, voicing my thoughts. “I’ve never even been out of the U.S.” I said. Actually, until Rick came back into my life earlier this year, I had never even left Texas. My mind started racing, as I wondered what we would be doing in Africa? When I thought of Africa, I thought of the Sahara Desert and lions, elephants, and zebras. Could we be going on a safari? It doesn’t sound very romantic, but it could be pretty amazing I guess.

  He chuckled softly, and pulled me closer to his chest.

  “Allison, sometimes I forget how very sheltered you have been.” I looked into his eyes and smiled. “We are not going to stay in Africa though.” He said, still allowing for the mystery to continue.

  I sighed. Honestly it didn’t matter where he took me. I was happy just knowing we would be together. He could have taken me to the North Pole and I wouldn’t have cared. I would go to the ends of the world and back if I could’ve been with him along the way.

  “I considered taking you all over the world, showing you all the wonders and beauty of the earth, but I decided we could do that another time…” I knew he meant that we could do it after we took care of the Rising and didn’t have to fear an attack or war…or the end of the freakin’ world. I nodded to show my understanding.

  “But I thought you would like something more private and intimate, where we won’t have to hide what we are.”

  I rested my head back on his chest and said, “It doesn’t matter where we go, we are together, and I’m just happy to be with you. But you are right, I would prefer something more intimate.” I said, and then I think I blushed. Maybe it was just the heat I was feeling all over my body, thinking of being alone and intimate with David.

  He kissed the top of my head where my veil had been attached earlier.

  “And don’t worry, we can change at the airport. Everything has already been packed for us, so you won’t have to stay in that dress.” He said. I smiled wide, I would be glad to get out of it. Though it was perfect for the wedding, it wouldn’t be very fun riding around on planes in our wedding attire. “However, you do look absolutely glorious in it!”

  I looked up at him when he said that, and the look in his eyes made my insides flutter around wildly. His eyes were smoldering and I couldn’t help myself as I leaned upward to kiss him. It started out s
oft and slow, but the fire built and the passion in us both exploded. He groaned into me and my hands grabbed onto his face, trying to pull him closer still.

  The car started to slow, and we had to pull away from each other. I had to close my eyes and focus to calm my breathing, knowing that we couldn’t do anything while we were in a car, or even in an airplane. I would be patient and wait.

  The car turned into the small Winnemucca airport, and the limo driver started unloading the bags as David helped me out and grabbed ahold of a smaller, carryon bag. He led me inside to a small room where we could change. Before he left, he turned around and looked at me.

  “I almost forgot that Sharon told me that you would need assistance to get the dress off.”

  I turned away, and just nodded. He gently pulled my hair aside and let it fall down my left shoulder. The action had left my back exposed to him so that he could unfasten the buttons down the back. His warm fingers just barely touched my skin and caused a shiver of pleasure to rush down my spine. He was so close I could almost taste the anticipation on my tongue. Sparks were flowing through us, and each time he undid a button, his fingers would slide lower down my back which triggered goosebumps to spring up.

  I could feel his breath blowing my hair softly as it tickled my face. When he was done, he wrapped his arms around my stomach and pulled me close so that my bare back rested against his solid chest and kissed my neck softly, like a whisper, a promise.

  He finally released me and turned to leave, but stopped at the door to say, “I’ll be in the next room changing.” His voice was rough, almost hoarse, with his own anticipation.

  “Okay.” I said as I turned to look at him, holding my dress up in front of me.

  I slipped the dress off, and laid it across the large red sofa against the wall. The sofa was the only piece of furniture in this small room. I couldn’t fathom what they would normally use this room for. There was a door off to the far wall that was left open, glancing in I noticed it was a restroom. Maybe this room was used as a break room for the staff or something.

  I opened the carryon bag that David had set on the couch and found a pair of blue jean shorts, a purple cotton short-sleeved shirt, and some sandals. Standing there in only my devilishly embarrassing underwear, I noticed there were no other under garments. Sharon had forced me to wear an all lace bra that was white, with a light purple ribbon that was entwined along the bottom. The panties matched the bra.

  I sighed loudly. I supposed it didn’t really matter if I was going to be on a plane, for who knows how long. I would imagine a trip from Nevada to Africa would be a pretty long trip, so I could change out of the ridiculous under garments once we got there.

  I put the clothes on and pulled my hair up in a ponytail. At least the clothes were comfortable. Just as I was to about to open the door, I heard a knock. Opening it I saw David standing outside. He was wearing some shorts also, a light green t-shirt, and a pair of sneakers. He smiled wide and pulled me into his arms.


  I nodded again, and he led me to another hanger, where we boarded a very large airplane. We found our seats and waited for takeoff.

  “You can rest now, honey. This will be a long flight.”

  “How long, do you think?” I asked.

  “It should take right at five hours.” He answered. I leaned back thinking, how could I even sleep now? I closed my eyes, trying to rest, but so many thoughts were swarming around in my head. I thought back to all the events of the day, and how perfect everything was. My mom had been beautiful and perfect, and then I felt a pang of longing, as I realized again that I wouldn’t be able to see her for a while.

  I decided right then, that Samantha, David and I would all start making trips to see my mom. Damien was gone, and though I realized that the Rising is still out there, they weren’t an immediate threat.

  And then I thought of Samantha, my perfect daughter. I thought of how hard it was having her so young, and all the mistakes of my past. But I knew I would never change any of it. I am who I am now, because of what I have lived through so far. I thought of her father, and wondered where I would be now if he hadn’t died. Would I have still tried to make it work? Would I have been okay leaving him behind? I knew I would have, but he would not have been okay with me and Sam leaving.

  I wondered if he was in Heaven or not. I no longer could doubt that there was a Heaven or at least an Olympus, though I never really doubted it before. My faith was just more intact now, knowing that I descended from a line of women that had Power bestowed upon them by angels or the gods.

  Lastly I thought of my new husband, the man he was, how he made me smile, how I felt safe with him. A smile formed on my lips as I thought of him.

  “Are you dreaming?” He whispered softly, so that only I could hear him.

  “I don’t know,” I answered honestly. “Sometimes this feels like I dream. I destroyed the bad guy, and married the prince.” I opened my eyes then and looked into his. “Are you real, David?” The smile on my lips grew wider.

  “Do you doubt that I am?” He whispered menacingly, and smiled a wicked smile.

  I nodded. And then he kissed me so fiercely he took any doubt I ever entertained away. Breaking the kiss, he asked again, “Do you still think I’m not real?”

  I chuckled softly. Knowing that my voice wouldn’t work just yet, after a kiss like that, I just shook my head no.

  “Good.” He said. And then he pulled me closer to him to rest my head on his chest, and we rode the rest of the way in silence, lost in our own thoughts.


  We boarded the next plane in Miami. That flight lasted another five hours, and took us to the united Republic of Tanzania, a country off the East coast of Africa. Allison was in awe since this was the first time she has been on another continent. I have been to Africa many times, so I was mostly just in awe of her. We had to board a small plane that would take us to the safe house on the island. We could conceivably take a boat, but it was over 400 miles from the mainland, and would take another six hours or so to get there by boat.

  I had come to this island only a few times before now. I was told that they used it as the Compound before the Compound was built, but that was so long ago, I would have no way of knowing for sure. Coming here now, with Allison, was sure to be the height of my life. I have done many things in my life, I have taught many people many things, I have seen great things happen, and seen people accomplish great things. But despite all that I have witnessed and all that I have been a part of, she will be the zenith of my existence.

  “So, we are getting on another plane?” she asked as we boarded the small Beechcraft, trying to hide the annoyance in her voice. Allison has never been one for patience.

  “Trust me, it will be worth it. And this is our last plane we ride on before arriving at our destination.” I assured her. Thinking of our destination brought me a warmth and excitement like I had never known before, even more than when she agreed to marry me. I would finally be able to be with a woman, the way a man and woman were made to be together. I would finally be able to love a woman as passionately as I can. I would finally be able to love her, the way she should be loved.

  She nodded her head in assent. I held her hand as we boarded the aircraft, and we sat next to each other on two of the eight seats on the plane.

  “How long is this flight?” We had just settled into our seats now and were sipping on tea as she asked the question. The air outside was moist and muggy, nice and hot, perfect temperature for a beach adventure. But the air conditioning in the plane was blissful, and the tea, sublime.

  “Not too long, maybe an hour and a half.”

  “So, where are we going, that we have to fly away from Africa? I thought we were doing a safari or something.” She said, and I could hear the curiosity and relief in her voice. I’m glad she didn’t want to do a safari, because I had much better plans for us to do on the island.

  “I suppose I can tell you some,
now that we are so close.” I answered, “And hopefully it will help pass the time, to make this last flight more bearable for you.” I held open my hand and brought the dish of fresh fruit closer to us with my mind. Her lips parted as she gasped in surprise.

  “You would think I would get used to seeing things like that, but I haven’t. You make it seem so natural.” And then quieter, “Aren’t you afraid of someone seeing?” She motioned to the front of the aircraft as she said it.

  I laughed out loud then. I couldn’t help it. “Sometimes I forget that this is all still new to you.” I answered honestly. “It is natural. This is what we are born with. And anyways, who would see?”

  She nodded her head more obviously this time, in the direction of the pilot.

  “John?” I asked her. Then the pilot turned his head slightly to look at me from the mirror hanging on the windshield, to see if I was speaking to him. “John is one of us, dear.”

  She looked surprised again, and then looked towards the front to scrutinize him.

  “So, why isn’t he at the Compound?”

  “Not all of us live at the Compound, love. Most of us do, sure. It’s easier when you are around people like yourself. When you don’t have to hide what you are and what you can do. But we are all over the world. North America is not the only place that has Rising members stalking every corner.”

  She seemed to think on what I said, “So…I wouldn’t have to stay at the compound? Now that I have full control of my Power?”

  That threw me off guard. I never considered that she might not want to stay. “Yes. You could leave if you wanted. But why would you want to?”