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Hope (The Descendant Trilogy Book 2) Page 4

  I felt it when David tried to pull away, but also felt his reluctance in doing so. I could hear the applause from all the people I loved the most. The music changed, and together, hand in hand, we walked back down the aisle, as Mr. and Mrs. Donnelly.

  Chapter 3


  After the wedding, we all gathered back at the hotel lobby. It was a small gathering, just like the wedding. I danced my first dance with my new husband, swaying slowly to his favorite song, When a Man Loves a Woman, by Percy Sledge. It was also one of my mother’s favorite songs, so I knew every word to it also. As we danced, he sang the words softly in my ear and I rested my head on his chest, his heart beat beneath me a steady rhythm which I was already accustomed to.

  Everything felt right in the world now. Nobody was trying to kill us, as far as I knew anyway. I was married to the love of my life, the best man in the world. My family was all together. My friends were all safe and together also. Everything felt impeccably flawless.

  Sharon made a speech about how wonderful I am, and how wonderful David is, and how we were perfect for each other. She talked about how I was the sister she never had but always wanted. And how she now considered me her only family. It brought tears to most everyone’s eyes, and brought up memories of her fallen brother, our lost comrade.

  Rick stood next and made a speech about how he met me when I was a child, and how wonderful it was to bring me home many years later. He talked about how he always loved me as if I was his daughter, since he never was blessed with children of his own. He then talked about his relationship with David, how he trained him to use his Power, and was able to watch him grow to be the great man he is today.

  He finished with, “There are not two better people in the world, and though I thought at one time or another that there would never be a person good enough or worthy to be a spouse to either one of you, I am glad to be proven wrong. Only you two could be worthy enough of each other, and I am both honored and blessed to be here to witness this momentous day and share your special day with you.”

  I cried with both speeches, and hugged both of them. Rick danced with me, and David danced with my mother next. Things started to feel complete and final. Finally David came up and asked me to dance with him again. He leaned down and whispered to me, his warm breath caressed my neck as he spoke.

  “I’m fairly certain that I am he happiest man in the world right now.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. It wouldn’t be fair if you made me the happiest girl in the world, but you didn’t get to be the happiest man in the world too.” I answered as I looked up into his eyes and smiled at him.

  He smiled down at me and kissed me just lightly on the lips, then squeezed me to him in a tight hug. I knew that my happiness only made him happier still.

  “Thank you, Allison, for loving me back!”

  I couldn’t see his face when he said it. He was still hugging me too tightly as we were dancing. So I just hugged him back. I thought of saying thank you back to him, because I too was grateful for his love. But that sounded cheesy. I thought of telling him again how much he meant to me, but I didn’t want to cry anymore today, even if they were tears of joy. I thought of saying something nonchalant like, “sure... no problem.” But that made it sound like I didn’t appreciate his love. So instead I decided to pull away, stare deeply into his eyes in hopes that he would see in my eyes how much he meant to me, and pull his face to mine, to kiss him deeply.

  When we pulled away, the look in his eyes set me on fire, my blood boiled and my heart hammered in my chest. He looked like he was ready to claim me as his, in the more primitive way a man claims a woman. The thought of being with him so intimately was both nerve-wracking and thrilling all at the same time. I could barely stand to wait any longer.

  Though I knew he was well practiced in the art of being chaste, I was not. I had lived the sinful life of being intimate with a man before, and I was more than ready to have that life with David, especially now that we are married. It would no longer be sinful. I would be able to love him without any guilt from my actions, and he could love me in return. He had waited so many years to be able to love a woman completely; he waited for me. Just thinking about the way he made me feel with just the touch of his hand on mine, or his lips to mine, made me all the more anxious to be with him completely.

  As the song ended, we went to cut the cake. It was a small two tier cake, all ivory, with the same lace design that my dress had. It was gorgeous, the most gorgeous cake I had ever seen. Sharon had taken care of everything, so I didn’t even know what it would look like. I did recall saying something one time that it would be cool if the cake would somehow match the dress, but since I hadn’t seen my dress, I could never have guessed for the cake to match the dress this way.

  I placed my hand on top of David’s, and together we cut the first piece. I looked at him and smiled as I said, “Be nice.” I had seen the pictures and videos of newlyweds smashing the cake in each other’s faces, and though I couldn’t imagine David doing that to me, I still thought it wise to let him know I would not be happy with him if he did.

  He grinned back, and his eyes were glinting with mischief as he said, “I’m always nice.”


  “Hello, Ann.” I said to the most beautiful woman that I had ever seen. Though I had seen her a few times since Allison had come back into my life, it was not nearly enough. She was rounder than most women, but not big. She was short and soft; her purple gown matched the colors of the wedding, and her skin tone just right.

  Her short hair was pulled back with clips, which let her face shine through. I felt like it had been ages since we had been able to talk. So many years had passed, so much time gone, time we would never get back. There was a time when I thought she might care for me too, but when I left, I knew I would never be able to hope for such things any longer.

  I walked up to her not sure of exactly what to say. But I had to talk to her. Had to look into her eyes, and hear her voice being spoken to me. It was like a recovering alcoholic wanting to smell brandy, I knew I couldn’t have any, but wanted to feel it anyways.

  She turned and looked at me. I saw in her face first anger, than confusion, and then submission. She realized that what happened in the past was not my choice, just the way things had to be. At least that was my hope. Now that she knew of my world, and what my role was, hopefully she would understand that I truly had no choice but to walk away and await the day I could come back into their lives, into her life.

  She chose to be civil, which was good. I had seen her anger before, and I did not like being at the receiving end of it.

  “Hello, Rick.” We had been seated near each other during Allison’s wedding and now here at the reception, though it wasn’t until now that I had worked up the courage to speak to her.

  “How are you doing?” I asked her. It was a horrible question to ask. When I came back into her life, I had taken her only daughter and only granddaughter away with me, many states away, leaving her alone in the world. Obviously she couldn’t be doing well. But what else could I say to her?

  She chuckled softly and looked down, then back up at me after taking a deep breath and clearing her throat.

  “I suppose I’m doing as well as can be expected.” She turned and looked away. I followed her glance, to see that her eyes had fallen on Samantha dancing with David.

  “It has been hard being away from them.” The words were simple enough, but there was deep emotion behind them. I had experienced the pain of being away from those I loved before, and I knew how difficult it was. Though I had no children of my own, I had always loved Allison as if she were mine, even wishing it was true. Still, I couldn’t truly sympathize with her now.

  Just as I was about to speak, she continued, “The wedding was perfect though.” She said and then turned back to look at me. She smiled, and she looked so good. The anger was gone. I thought I might have seen a flash of appreciation in her eyes, as if I ha
d been the one to put all this together, or I deserved some sort of gratitude.

  To make sure she knew it wasn’t my doing, I said, “I agree, Sharon did a wonderful job with everything.”

  She nodded and said, “Yes,she did.” And then she was quiet. She turned away, sipped her drink and together we watched her daughter talking with a few of the ladies from the Compound. I struggled to find something, anything to say to her. Something to keep the conversation going. Something that wasn’t wrong, that didn’t bring back bad memories, or make her angry. Something that would make her smile, and be glad to be speaking to me.

  My brain went back and forth, trying to come up with something. Very rarely was I ever tempted to use my Power in a less than honest way, but right now, I badly wished I could just sift through her mind to see what she was thinking about so that I could come up with a topic. However, despite the temptation, I wouldn’t invade her privacy.

  “Thank you, Rick.” She said after turning abruptly and shifting in her seat to face me directly. I was so shocked I didn’t know what to say. What could she be thanking me for? What good had I ever done for her, that wasn’t overshadowed by the bad?

  “Thank you for keeping them safe!”

  I understood then. Had I not arrived when I did, Damien may have killed them all. She was thanking me for saving her daughter’s life.

  “You know I would do anything for Allison, and now for Samantha also.” It was a question, but I said it like a statement. I didn’t want to ask that question, I’m hoping she would know that already.

  “Yes, Rick. And I thank you for it. Allison loved you as a child, and I can see how much she cares for you now. When her father died, I was afraid she would never have that father figure.” She sighed, “But she does. She has that in you, and it means so much to me.”

  I often had wished I could have really been her father, that this perfect woman in front of me could have been my wife. But I could settle for just being her father figure and loving her as if she was my own.

  “I am honored to be here for her.” I declared.

  She looked at me like she wanted to say something more, but wasn’t sure if she should, or wasn’t sure exactly what she wanted to say. There were so many things I wanted to say to her. So many feelings I wish I could share. So many thoughts left unspoken. If this year has taught me anything, it was that our time here is not infinite. We are mortal beings, though we may live longer than the norm.

  Giving in and deciding its better for her to know than to hold back any longer, I began, “Ann, I am…”

  But she cut me off, “Rick, please don’t.” Did she know how I felt? Did she know what I was going to say? “I know that you left for this,” she said, motioning with her hands, “But that didn’t make it easier for me, or for Allison. I am grateful for the relationship ya’ll have now, but I can’t walk down that path with you. I have loved and lost more than once,” then she looked down, as if regretting what she had said.

  “And I do count you in that category.” It came out as almost a whisper. “You are untouchable.”

  Her voice was no longer a whisper now, “You are locked away in your secret hideout, with my family, and I am left on the outside.”

  She looked up then and looked me straight in the eyes, daring me, or perhaps wishing me to refute her statements. I couldn’t, and she knew that. No matter how badly I wished I could, no matter how much I loved her, she couldn’t go where I did. And I couldn’t turn my back on the world for my own happiness. The thought hurt me more than I thought possible. I felt like someone had ripped open my insides and smashed them in their hands. This woman, the only woman I had ever loved, stood before me telling me that she had cared for me too, but that she wouldn’t allow herself to now because of who I am and what I do. What I do is good; I devote my life to human kind and God. But in return, I can’t have her.

  I reached out to her, hoping I could touch her, wanting to comfort her, “I am so sorry.”

  She reached for my hand and allowed me to bring her into a hug. She smelled amazing. Her perfume was the same as it always had been, a sweet and refined smell. It matched her perfect character—so elegant, so strong and good. I inhaled deeply, hoping to memorize this scent forever. I let her body rest against mine, holding her, but making sure not to hold her too tight. I placed my hand on the lower part of her back. She was so special. I had a strong urge to kiss her, but I would not succumb to my more primitive desires. But as she pulled away, trying to release me from her embrace, I couldn’t imagine it. I had to come up with something, some way to keep her here, touching me.

  “Dance with me.” I said it, but I meant to ask it. I added, “Please.” To make sure she understood just how badly I wanted to keep her.

  If nothing else, I would save this world. I would do my best to help David and Allison to save the world, so that someday I would no longer have to live at the Compound. So that at some point, I could be with her, beside her, and we wouldn’t have to fear for anything. I would stop at nothing, so that I could give her children back to her.

  She looked up at me and smiled as she said, “Okay” and I led her to the dance floor to hold her for as long as possible. Because I knew there was a good possibility that this would probably be the last time I could ever hold her in my arms, that we may fail in our quest despite my own ambitions.


  Finally, the reception was almost over, and David and I would be making our escape. I stood there, sitting next to Sharon, looking out at all the people I loved and feeling the most content and happy that I had ever felt in my life.

  “Look at them,” She said after leaning closer to me. I followed her glance to see Rick and my mother dancing. She had her head resting on his chest, and he had his head resting on hers. They both looked so sad dancing together like that. Agreeing with my thoughts, Sharon said, “It’s so sad the way they are.”

  Hmm, well they did look sad right now, but I didn’t fully understand her statement. She continued though, realizing my confusion, “Did you know that Rick has been in love with your mother since he met her?” The statement threw me off guard. Rick has been in love with my mother? I knew she still harbored feelings for him, but I never knew that he felt the same. And then, if they do still care about each other, why are they so sad right now?

  Sharon said, “I don’t think he will ever get over her. I’ll never forget when he came back, after binding your Power. I was much younger then, but I still remember it. It changes your perception of a man when you see him cry.”

  I looked at her, my brows pulling together in confusion.

  “Rick cried when he came back?” Well, that definitely didn’t make sense. I knew he hadn’t wanted to leave. And I knew he cared for me. I always assumed he cared for my mother, but I never guessed it was more than a friendly care.

  “Well obviously not out in the open. He mostly just wondered around aimlessly, trying to pretend that everything was okay. We all knew he had grown attached to you. That was the first time he ever questioned the Orders ruling of binding the children’s Powers. He has continued the battle since then, trying to get the Council to allow the children to come here to train. The only issue is the parents…” She paused and we heard Rick and my mom laughing. We both looked over to them, they no longer looked sad. You could see the lightness in their eyes, they were happy in each other’s arms.

  “Anyways, you know most of my Power shows up in the form of dance, however, I also descended from Verefidel.” She paused again, I searched my brain, which Primitus was Verefidel? Oh yes, she was the faithful one that could read minds, and at times, see visions.

  “I didn’t know that.” I was shocked.

  “I know. Most don’t. It’s not prominent.” She looked down, like she was remembering something, but then shook her head. “About a month after Rick came back, I was walking outside to practice a dance that I was to perform during a celebration that was coming up, and as I walked past his room I had a v
ision. I knew that it was of the past, the less Powerful of us that have visions usually get them of the past.” I nodded, this I knew already, though you would have to be very Powerful to get a vision at all.

  “It was Rick, in his room, going through pictures of you, and your mother, and of all three of you. He was with your family longer than normal, and we all had already noticed how down he was when he came back.” She turned to look at me, instead of out at the people dancing, as she said, “It’s hard to get attached to a child and his family, only to have to leave them.” I nodded, agreeing.

  She turned and looked back out at Rick and my mom. “In my vision I saw the calendar and knew that I was seeing one week in the past. He looked so sad, and then I saw him hold a picture of your mother up to look at it. He looked at the picture like she was dead. And then I saw a tear slide down his face as he put the picture into his wallet.” She turned to look at me again, “He didn’t have any shame. He didn’t know anyone would be watching. He was just alone in his room, mourning the loss of the woman he loved and her daughter.”

  I turned away from her and looked at Rick. The man that I had grown to love like a father, the man that brought a smile to my mother’s face after my father passed away. They were swaying slowly again, holding onto each other. I wished things were different, that the world wasn’t ending. That things were really as perfect as they felt at that moment, on the day of my wedding.

  I would fight for them. I would stop the apocalypse, for Samantha, for David, and for…my parents. Because that’s what there were now. They deserved to be together, and I would make it so, if it was the only good thing I could ever do, I would make the world okay for them.

  Just then, I saw David walk up to me, the anxious look in his eyes made me shiver with excitement. He held out his hand, and I willingly took it. He pulled me close to him, wrapping his other arm around me and whispered, “Are you ready?”

  Those three words could mean so many different things. Am I ready? Ready to be married, yes. Ready to leave here, yes. Ready to be with him forever, yes. Was I ready to stop the end of the world? Ummm… Maybe. Was I ready for everything that lay ahead, I just didn’t know. But I knew that no matter what happened in the future, I would have him by my side. The excitement started small, and then began to build until I was almost overflowing with it. I could no longer speak, so I only nodded my head again.